We Help Contact Centres
To Go Remote.
Business Continuity Plan Built for Customer Service and Contact Centres.

Remote Working Just Made Easier

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We have made it simple, just forward your customer service, helpdesk or contact centre number to our hosted BCP platform. The calls will be routed to our system and connect to your work from home agents or work from BCP site agents.

How Does It Work?


Artboard 1 copy 43

Call Forwarding

Artboard 1 copy 15

Conference Calls

Artboard 1 copy 42

Music on Hold

Artboard 1 copy 30

Hot Desking

Asset 16

Call Queues

Artboard 1 copy 13

Call Detail Reporting

Artboard 1 copy 18

IVR – Interactive Voice Response

Asset 15

Time Conditions

Let's Talk!